The Goat Vet Map
Zoom in to look for a vet in a particular area, as you would with any Google map. Click a marker for more info about the vet, including client comments if applicable. Remember that these are private practices and many states also have state or private vet schools which often offer extraordinary vet services for livestock. We will be adding those in soon.
Help us build and maintain this map of Great Goat Vets around the country!
How to help: if you have a great goat vet you’d like to recommend, please fill out and submit the form below. (Especially if you are in Utah or North Dakota, things are a bit thin there!) If you see a vet on the map who is no longer practicing or has moved or is no longer seeing goats (or should be removed for some other reason) please send an email to so we can update. Thanks to all the clubs and shows and groups and individual clients who sent in the names of their goat vets.